Filmmaker, Editor, Sound Designer, Colour Grader, Drone Operator, VFX & Motion Graphic Artist
I am a very passionate filmmaker, with a main focus in editing, but experience in a wide range of roles in both production and post-production. I can take a production all the way, with experience in camera and lighting, editing, sound-effects, droneoperating, color grading, VFX and motion graphics, in everything from short films and musicvideos, to commercials and corporate. I have always had interest in everything that has to do with vision, sound and storytelling.
I studied marketing, marketcommunication and IT on Business College. Took a Multimedia Design education, which I finished in summer 2014. And graduated fron VIA Film & Transmedia in 2019. Worked for M2film since 2019, and started at a new film department at Envision in 2020.
I’ve travelled the world making film. Made the graphics for the opening ceremony of the European capital 2017. Edited and colorgradet multiple TV-Commercials. Prize winning international film festivals as well as local commercial awards and got a staff pick on